
Using podman on macOS

  • container
  • development
  • macOS
  • podman
Last update: 2025-02-15


Containers are a nice way to deploy small services or to experiment with some software configuration in a lightweight environment. Currently I run my nameservers and local registry using containers, but my main use in to create ephemeral environments to run software that I want to test, learn, or don’t want to install on my host machines. Containers are, usually, Linux devices, and run under Linux hosts, and in this article I’ll show how to use them on a macOS host (similar instructions can be used under Windows hosts).

I write these pages in using Markdown, and host it on Github pages, I do so because Mrakdown is much easier to deal (content-wise) than HTML, and I can simple use these files with Github pages as it will translate these pages to HTML using Jekyll. The problem with this approach is that I need to run Jekyll on my host, if I want to make any change on the design of the pages, and for that I run the required environment using containers, both on Linux and macOS, which are the systems I user regularly (see Creating static sites with Jekyll and Podman (PT_BR)).

As containers are, oversimplifying, a Linux guest running on a Linux host, to use them under other operating systems requires some tooling, and both Docker and [Podman]{:target=”_blank”} provide the means so that we can run containers on either macOS or Windows. As I only use Windows if I have to (by choice, as it does not solve well the kind of OS problems I have), this article is about running containers on macOS, which is not my main operating system (currently), but is one I use very often. And due to many advantages I see in podman since its inception (specially the least required privilege approach), I’ll use it as the container manager.

Before you start

Before you start, you have to install podman to your machine. You should follow the instructions on

You may find that Podman Desktop provides an interface that better suits your workflow, but I’d not suggest trying it before version 1.16.2, or using the Homebrew version of podman desktop, as it struggled to setup the podman machine on several macOS versions.

I used to use only the Homebrew version of podman, and only lately (as of version 5.4.0) I started to use the official builds on macOS.

Starting your first container

So, I’ll assume that you installed the standard podman distribution (or the Homebrew one), and not the Podman Desktop bundle.

If you try to run Podman’s Hello World, you’ll try:

$ podman run --rm hello

And instead of a nice ASCII-art drawing, all you have is an error message:

Cannot connect to Podman. Please verify your connection to the Linux system using `podman system connection list`, or try `podman machine init` and `podman machine start` to manage a new Linux VM
Error: unable to connect to Podman socket: failed to connect: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Remember that we simplified a container to be Linux-on-Linux, but we just tried to run Linux-on-Mac, which does not unify (remember Prolog?).

To be able to run Linux containers on other operating systems than Linux podman (and docker) use the concept of a podman machine that in connects to and actually run the containers on that machine and not on the actual host. The podman machine is a Linux virtual machine that in managed by podman and is actually used to run the containers. The virtualization process is almost transparent, but does exist, and as will be seen later, impose some restrictions on the containers use.

So, to be able to run containers, we’ll create a new podman machine. The machine can be created with the podman machine init command:

$ podman machine init

This will create the podman-default-machine, with a default configuration. Let’s inspect the characteristics of the machine:

$ podman machine inspect
          "ConfigDir": {
               "Path": "/Users/rafael/.config/containers/podman/machine/applehv"
          "ConnectionInfo": {
               "PodmanSocket": {
                    "Path": "/var/folders/y0/3tjjfj7n3sqfx2qy2bvvmwp80000gp/T/podman/podman-machine-default-api.sock"
               "PodmanPipe": null
          "Created": "2025-02-15T16:27:18.563644-03:00",
          "LastUp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Name": "podman-machine-default",
          "Resources": {
               "CPUs": 4,
               "DiskSize": 100,
               "Memory": 2048,
               "USBs": []
          "SSHConfig": {
               "IdentityPath": "/Users/rafael/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/machine",
               "Port": 52612,
               "RemoteUsername": "core"
          "State": "stopped",
          "UserModeNetworking": true,
          "Rootful": false,
          "Rosetta": true

Lot’s of information that is not needed right now, so let’s focus on what matters for this moment:

As most of the things I use containers require more than 2 GiB of run (for example, FreeIPA test clusters), and most of the fun stuff requires some good amount of memory, let’s recreate the machine with a better configuration:

$ podman machine rm podman-machine-default
(... remember to confirm machine removal ...)
$ podman machine init --memory 6144

Now that we have a machine with a better configuration, simply start the machine:

$ podman machine start

This will start the machine in “rootless mode” and will only run rootless containers. You can change the behavior with the podman machine set --rootful command.

Now we can finally run our container:

$ podman run --rm hello
!... Hello Podman World ...!

       / -     - \
      / (O)   (O) \
   ~~~| -=(,Y,)=- |
    .---. /`  \   |~~
 ~/  o  o \~~~~.----. ~~
  | =(X)= |~  / (O (O) \
   ~~~~~~~  ~| =(Y_)=-  |
  ~~~~    ~~~|   U      |~~

And we finally have our nice ASCII-art!

Having fun with containers

Now let’s try a more useful container:

$ podman run -it --rm fedora:latest bash

This will start a container with the latest official container image of Fedora, and start a Bash shell on it. Let’s get some information on the running environment:

[container]# uname -sm
Linux aarch64

And we’re running an ARM64 container!

In my case this is due to the machine being a M2 Mac (with 24 GB of RAM):

$ sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string
Apple M2
$ uname -sm
Darwin arm64
$ bc <<< "$(sysctl -a | grep hw.memsize: | cut -d: -f2) /(2^30)"

Let’s inspect some data on the podman machine:

$ podman machine ssh
[podman_vm]$ uname -sm
Linux aarch64
[podman_vm]$ head -n 4 /etc/os-release
NAME="Fedora Linux"
VERSION="41.20250117.3.0 (CoreOS)"

The podman machine is running a version of Fedora CoreOS, for aarch64, as it is running on an ARM64 machine, the Apple M2 processor, and, although there are many layers on this setup to run a “lightweight container”, as we are not running Linux, it does not get much better than this.

Wrap Up

Running containers on non-Linux operating systems have improved a lot in recent years. Even the sometimes considered “exotic” Apple Silicon is able to run the containers in a nearly transparent way, but you still have to realize that there is a virtual machine involved and with that some limitations.

On Apple hardware, using AppleHV to manage virtualization, there’s a long standing issue that makes a lot of sense when you take into account that mounting a volume in the container means that you are sharing the host directory with the VM and then mounting the volume in the container.

I find that developing with containers on macOS is, currently, not only possible, but with much less issues than it used to be a few years ago. It is even possible now to run some non-trivial environments in a somewhat easy way.

Maybe my next working machine could be a Mac? I don’t know, but I know I would put as much memory on it I could buy. (Note: Don’t ever buy the lowest RAM Apple machine, they are simply not worth it). Even if macOS seems to deal fine with memory and memory swap, you’ll don’t want to have you storage being used as memory, and I wouldn’t recommend less than 24Gb as of 2025.